AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of The Kirkcaldy Linoleum Company Limited, duly convened and held at Kirkcaldy on the 2nd day of September 1899,the following Special Resolutions were duly passed, and at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the

said Company, also duly convened and held at the same place on the 18th day of September 1899, the following Resolutions were duly confirmed, viz.:-

(1) That it is desirable to effect an amalgamation of this Company with John Barry, Ostlere, & Company Limited and the Firm of Shepherd &, Beveridge, Floorcloth Manufacturers, Kirkcaldy.

(2) That this Company be wound up voluntarily, and

that James Shepherd, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, Alexander Hutchison, Esquire, Provost of Kirkcaldy, Clare Henry Regnart, Esquire, Warehouseman, Tottenham Court Road, London, James Alexander Ness, Esquire, Merchant, London, John Ernest Shepherd, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, and Charles Mitchell, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, be and they are hereby appointed Liquidators for the purposes of such winding up, and that any

two of the said Liquidators may exercise every power which, by the Companies Act, 1862, and Acts amending and extending the same, is conferred upon Liquidators, but that none of the said Liquidators shall be entitled to any remuneration for their services as such.

(3) That the said Liquidators be and they are hereby authorised to consent to the registration of a new Company, to be called BARRY, OSTLERE, & SHEPHERD LIMITED, with a Memorandum and Articles of Association which have already been prepared with the privity and approval of the Directors of this Company, and a print of which is submitted to this Meeting, and identified by the Signature of John Kellock, the Secretary of this Company.

(4) That the Draft Agreement submitted to this Meeting, and expressed to be made between John Barry, Ostlere, & Company Limited, and its Liquidators, of the first part ; this Company, and its Liquidators, of the second part; the said Firm of Shepherd & Beveridge, and its Individual Partners, of the third part ; Barry, Ostlere, & Shepherd Limited (being the said new Company), of the fourth part: John Barry, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, of’ the fifth part ; Edward Ostlere, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, of the sixth part; and the said James Shepherd of the seventh part; and identified in like manner,

be and the same is hereby approved, and that the said Liquidators he and they are hereby authorised, pursuant to section 1.61 of the Companies Act, 1862, and to every other power thereunto them enabling, upon the new Company being incorporated, to enter into an Agreement in the terms of the said Draft, and to carry the same into effect, with such (if any) modifications as they think expedient.

JAS. SHEPHERD, Chairman.

Registered Office, Rosslyn Works, Kirkcaldy,

18th September 1899.


At an Extraordinary General Meeting of John Barry, Ostlere, & Company Limited, duly convened and held at Kirkcaldy on the 2nd day ot’ September 1899, the following Special Resolutions were duly passed, and at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the

said Company, also duly convened and held at the same place on the 19th day of September 1899, the following Resolutions were duly confirmed, via. :

(1) That it is desirable to effect an amalgamation of this Company with the Kirkcaldy Linoleum Company Limited and the Firm of Shepherd 8: Beveridge, Floorcloth Manufacturers, Kirkcaldy.

(2) That this Company be wound up voluntarily, and that John Barry, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, Edward Ostlere, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, William Sutton, Esquire, Merchant in and presently one of the Aldermen of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Hutchinson Tomlinson Peterkin, Esquire, Searborough, George Whyte, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, and William Wright, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, be and they are hereby appointed Liquidators for the purposes of such winding up, and that any two of the said Liquidators may exercise every power which, by the Companies Act, 1862, and Acts amending and extending the same, is conferred upon Liquidators, but that none of the said Liquidators shall be entitled to any remuneration for their services as such.

(3) That the said Liquidators be and they are hereby authorised to consent to the registration of a new Company, to be called BARRY, OSTLERE, & SHEPHERD LIMITED, with a Memorandum and Articles of Association which have already been prepared with the privity and approval of the Directors of this Company, and a print of which is submitted to this Meeting, and identified by the Signatures of the said John Barry and William Sutton.

(4) That the Draft Agreement submitted to this Meeting, and expressed to .be made between this Company, and its Liquidators, of the first part; the Kirkcaldy Linoleum Company Limited, and its Liquidators, of the second part; the said Firm of Shepherd & Beveridge, and its Individual Partners, of the third part; Barry, Ostlere, & Shepherd Limited (being the said new Company), of the fourth part; the said John Barry of the fifth part ; the said Edward Ostlere of the sixth part; and James Shepherd, Esquire, Manufacturer, Kirkcaldy, of the seventh part; and identified in like manner, be and the same is hereby approved, and that the said Liquidators be and they are hereby authorised, pursuant to section 161 of the. Companies Act, 1862, and to every other power thereunto them enabling, upon the new Company being incorporated, to enter into an Agreement in the terms of the said Draft, and to carry the same into effect, with such (if any) modifications as they think expedient.

John BARRY Chairman.

Registered Office, Forth Works, Kirkcaldy,

19th September 1899.